Doggie playgroups are organized with a pet’s size, breed and temperament in mind, and are continually supervised by our trained team. Our Enhanced Day Care program is designed for maximum fun and socialization – exactly what your pet needs to truly thrive. Pet parents using out Enhanced Daycare service can watch the fun on our PetCams between the hours of 9AM and 6 PM.
Designed with the health of our canine guests in mind, our play areas have a special, cushioned flooring system to eliminate impact to paws and joints. By design, Lucky & Lady® is an all-indoor facility, allowing our team to maintain climate, humidity and cleanliness, while eliminating outdoor risks and dangers.
Breakfast & Dinner are not provided. Lunch is available if provided.
Reservations are highly recommended due to limited availability. Booking may be declined if our facility is full.
Enhanced Doggy Day Rates
Day-Boarding options are available for dogs who do not participate in group play. Please see our Reservation Specialist for details.
Full Day — $34
Half Day — $24